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Confidence Building With Dr Elaine Ryan | Increase Confidence And Self Esteem 1.1
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IMPORTANT: The sound on/off on your iPhone/iPad has to be turned ON. If there is no sound it is likely to be that your sound button is turned off.
Designed to increase your confidence, self esteem and help you feel good about yourself.
Feeling confident and having good levels of self esteem has a lot to do with the thoughts you have about yourself.
This App is written and narrated by Dr Elaine Ryan (psychologist) who is expert in understanding the factors that underlie lack of confidence and low self esteem. Elaine uses guided relaxation to help you become open to the suggestions offered. The suggestions are to reduce your self limiting beliefs and change them to more helpful thoughts and feelings about yourself.
If you feel bad about yourself or are critical about yourself in your own thought processes, this can result in low confidence and lack of motivation to try anything new.
Elaine helps you change these thought processes into new helpful thoughts and feelings, designed to increase your confidence and self esteem.
Dr Elaine Ryan is a Chartered Psychologist who previously worked in the NHS in the UK before opening her own practice.
★ Guided audio to reduce self limiting beliefs and encourage more helpful thought processes to increase confidence and self esteem
★ Written and narrated by a Doctor of Psychology
★ Flash Cards to reinforce your confidence and self esteem
★ Wake up audio
★ Social media links where you can get in touch with Elaine to discuss your progress or find additional tips and tools.
★★★ If you have any problems with the App, please email as we are not able to respond to problems left as a review. Emails we can respond to asap.★★★